
SET Saxmundham School recognises the importance of educating our students to promote positive, respectful behaviour towards others. We want them to develop a strong sense of right from wrong, distinguish how their actions can impact others and adapt positively.

Behaving respectfully towards others has recently taken the national spotlight, with numerous stories in the press regarding behaviours, such as harassment. We aim to be proactive in following the national narrative, to ensure we play our part in supporting and developing our students into respectful and caring adults.

Therefore, as part of the Seckford Education Trust’s Personal Social Health Education (PHSE) programme, we have held additional sessions on respectful behaviour. The materials have been written by the NSPCC and are designed to help young people in identifying the features of positive relationships, as well as recognising concerning behaviours and how to access support.

The sessions have been led by team leaders and tutors, with our pastoral teams being available afterwards, to answer any questions that students might have and to offer further support or guidance.

Our students are the next generation who can create change and be a positive impact on society if they are educated now. They also need to be encouraged to seek support, or speak up against disrespectful or harmful behaviour, should they need to.

To support this, during our final few days of term, students received messages about respectful behaviour towards others, as well as a support card that contains information to enable them to seek support should they experience behaviour towards them, or their friends, that is disrespectful or harmful.

This will enable us to create the right environment to fully support students who need it and follow up to ensure we are educating students about these issues.