Learning about gratitude and compassion

We have welcomed the children back to the start of what will be another busy term! Time really does fly past in schools. I hope that you all have had a happy and successful start to 2023.
Our school values are a vital part of the work that we do in helping children to learn about what it is like to become a positive role model. They are never too young to understand the importance of the way we interact with others. Two of our values are gratitude and compassion and the Christmas period gave us a chance as a school community to model what these look like.
Not only can we get together with parents to share in our Christmas performances, but we can also support the work of local groups such as the BASIC Life charity and help children understand the importance of thinking of others in a really practical way.
We are also proud of the links we have with a range of community groups and appreciate the support that Chris Hood and his team at St Andrew’s Church gave us over the festive period.
Schools should always be a central part of the areas they serve – they belong to communities and not to one individual. This all helps children see themselves as part of a wider locality and support them in realising that they can have a positive impact on the world around them.
Headteacher Mark Girling
Campaigning children plant roots for future generations
Campaigning children from the Federation of Fairfield and Colneis schools in Felixstowe joined with others to petition local councillors to prevent the felling of 50 trees in local woodland, then went on to improve the nature area for future residents of the town.
Last year, children from the schools had heard that the site had received a planning application which would result in the removal of trees from the woodland as part of the tender.
However, being passionate about the local environment and wishing to protect the biodiversity of the site, the children campaigned to save the trees, resulting in the rejection of the planning application.
This enthusiastic group of young people were delighted to assist Norse Grounds and Countryside Team as they recently planted 30 trees and 300 whips in an area of woodland overlooking the sea.

Following advice from Suffolk Wildlife Trust on how to improve the area, East Suffolk Council accessed the Treescapes Fund and invited the children to join the team digging, planting, staking and mulching, which they did with great enjoyment.
Commenting on this project, teacher Becky Wyard says: “The children are extremely proud to have been part of this venture. Not only have they experienced seeing the results of their hard work, but they have also learnt that their opinions matter and they have a voice in the community. We hope that as the new trees continue to grow, we will be able to visit the area again to see the wildlife in a much-improved setting.”
To view the children planting the trees, please visit: https://www.fairfieldandcolneis.co.uk/colneis/colneis-school-council
Celebrations at Colneis Junior School following an Ofsted visit
Students, staff and Governors from Colneis Junior School in Felixstowe are celebrating after Ofsted have confirmed that we remain a good school.

The inspection was undertaken during the last busy week of winter term whilst Christmas activities were taking place. Highlighted in the report, the inspector wrote: ‘Pupils love attending this friendly school. They appreciate the many opportunities staff give them and are keen to learn’.
Headteacher Mark Girling comments: “We are delighted that the report identifies our ambitious curriculum, supportive caring environment and tenacious approach to wellbeing and safety. Following considerable investment, it is also great to see that it was recognised that ‘reading sits at the heart of the school’s curriculum’.”
Colneis Junior will continue to build on the numerous strengths they have whilst fostering a love of learning for every child.